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Trik saya ketika masih smp supaya menyukai bahasa inggris
Diposting oleh kurniawan.q di 22.32
Access to
4000 Online television channels from your notebook.
No need of of a TV tuner or decoder. 100% legal - no subscription needed.
Watch television stations live anywhere. All you need is our IP television software, your computer, and Internet connection.
It's easy to find a controversial episode of Gossip Girl up and running the next day. No longer reason to miss your favourite TV channels! Online Television changes the way we watch Television.
Online television is the new technology brought to us by the amazing discovery of the Internet. Ever wonder what TV stations are like in USA, or England or Germany? It's easy to find out, just turn on your computer and access your IP TV software account on the internet. It's that simple. Could you have imagined even 20 years ago that you would be able to tune in and watch a television channels from another part of the globe?
No reason to buy cable TV for big money when you can install TV on home laptop? Internet television is the next big thing in online technology. Simply thing, Online television offers the consumer ability to playback his or her favorite channels and films without using buttons on the television front panel.
15 komentar:
ada award buat mas, ambil yah .. klik ini :
haha,,, aku juga suka game.. n tentunya imbasnya juga sama b. inggris aku.. hehe,,
wah ini learning by doing walau via game tapi bisa efektif
pada rame KW SMP nih... ikutan kontes ya...semoga sukses slalu :)
Aku sukag Inggris tp sulit matematika kaaq
wadoh,,bhs Inggris ane gak lancarrr,,, mau belajar lebih giat lagi semngaaaat,,,hehe,,, nice posting kwan :),,happy blogging ^^
salam kenal mas..
wah saya yang termasuk suka sama bahasa barat tapi ntah kenapa sampe sekarang ga fasih² juga hehe..
Sukses Slalu!
belajar juga bisa karena game yah ^^
Ehehehe saya juga belajar bahasa inggris, dapet kosa kata tambahan dari game PSX, waktu dulu... :D
dooooh jadi pengen kursus lagi neh
abisan aku ga pinter2 boso linggis
mampir membawa berita penting untuk kita semua
mantap smp semakin populer aja nih.. semoga konten2 negatif turut tersingkir
hajaaaaar terus mas
thanks for comments
Selamat Pagi sobatku
Ada Award buat sobat
Silahkan lihat Disini
Terima kasih
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